Thursday, September 16, 2010

NDTV Debate on OROP: Fixed Pay Scales & OROP

I understand the woman IAS Secretary level officer   made the argument that the case of those who get enhanced pensionary benefits ( like for  Presidents, MPS,  Secretaries, Chiefs) is because they draw a fixed salary.

It is the most ridiculous argument!

Why not get a  fixed  salary for all ranks and Bingo, the whole army becomes eligible for OROP!  ( Fallacies can be divided into categories according to the psychological factors that lead people to commit them, and they can also be divided into categories according to the epistemological or logical factors that cause the error. This is called irrelevant reason. Fallacies of relevance include fallacies that occur due to reliance on an irrelevant reason.  This fallacy is a kind of non sequitur in which the premises are wholly irrelevant to drawing the conclusion.)

Irrationality  has  no limits when it comes to bureaucracy ( which is not necessarily confined to the civil, unfortunately)  is all I would conclude and all these generals participating in the debate could not demolish her in front of the camera? What a shame? Do we lack this much in critical thinking?

The lady IAS officer's  fallacious argument based in irrelevant reason can easily be demolished in few seconds!


Non Sequitur

When a conclusion is supported only by extremely weak reasons or by totally  irrelevant reasons, the argument is fallacious and is said to be a non sequitur. However, we usually apply the term only when we cannot think of how to label the argument with a more specific fallacy name. Any deductively invalid inference is a non sequitur if it is also very weak when assessed by inductive standards.
Nuclear disarmament is a risk, but everything in life involves a risk. Every time you drive in a car you are taking a risk. If you're willing to drive in a car, you should be willing to have disarmament.

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