Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sukna Case: Two-Year Seniority Loss for Lt Gen Rath

Sukna Case: Two-Year Seniority Loss for Lt Gen Rath

As expected, the jury is still out (it seems) � and confused and silent with no prospect of immediate agreement!

"There are few better measures of the concern a society has for its individual members and its own well being than the way it handles criminals ( crime and what is crime and what criminals are to be booked and what should be condoned!) Ramsey Clark

What Ramsey Clark said is true of organizations as it is true of societies. When we punish an activity, we are sending signal to all others to beware!

Never never give a NOC is the lesson to take home.
�( Curiously wikipedia defines an NOC like this:
No Objection Certificate or popularly abbreviated as NOC is a type of legal certificate issued by any agency, organization, institute or in certain cases, an individual, that does not object to the covenants of the certificate. This certification is a requirement at most of the government-based departments predominantly from the Indian subcontinent!)

If the organization condones some activity, then we are sending the signal to others to follow that it is alright to engage in the activity. In case of Kargil:
  1. It is alright to fudge the military records and obliterate the military history records of the nation.
  2. It is alright to falsify the organization structure of command and even falsely create pseudo organizations under pseudo commanders.
  3. It is alright to ignore the assessments of the subordinate commanders on ground and their recommendations.
  4. It is alright to falsify the official After Action Reports to book a Commander under you.
  5. It is alright to go against the threat assessment of a subordinate officer and go abjectly wrong in your own assessments.
  6. It is alright to fudge all official records to obfuscate the truth.
  7. It is alright to write off the career of a commander under you on false pretext and false charges and false biases and personal dislikes.
  8. It is alright to send a Brigadier home (dismissed disgracefully from Army with out benefits) with out providing him an opportunity to defend himself in a GCM.
  9. It is alright to engage in (and even be found out� officially� in a formal court)
    1. Suppression of� truth of a military nature in face of the enemy thus obstructing the country from learning lessons from its failure
    2. Obfuscation of truth from the military history of the country
    3. Intent to harm an honorable officer (in the most hideous and mean way ) who fought for the country honorably
    4. Failure to provide him a� chance to prove his innocence and thus
    5. Obstruction of justice (by destruction of all records) so that the aggrieved and condemned officer will never get justice from the system
but it is NOT alright to give a NOC for a School any where near the cantonment/military area.

The fall out is, no NOC will ever be issued in the future but� all the extremely serious crimes and obstruction of justices and thus harming your own brother officer will be committed and repeatedly committed with impunity!

Long live the (mis)rule of Law.
There are few better measures of the concern a society has for its individual members and its own well being than the way it handles criminals ( crime and what is crime and what criminals are to be booked and what should be condoned!)
Ramsey Clark

No wonder wise men have stated over the years:

  1. Many commit the same crimes with a very different result. One bears a cross for his crime; another a crown. [Lat., Multi committunt eadem diverso crimina fato; Ille crucem scleris pretium tulit, hic diadema.] Author:Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenal)
  2. We enact many laws that manufacture criminals, and then a few that punish them.Allen Tucker
  3. When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion.C. P. Snow
  4. It is grievous to be caught. [Lat., Deprendi miserum est.] Author:Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
  5. Disgrace does not consist in the punishment, but in the crime. Vittorio Alfieri
  6. The key is to commit crimes so confusing that police (in this case, the Military) feel too stupid to even write a crime report about them.
    Randy K. Milholland
  7. Where crime is taught from early years, it becomes a part of nature. [Lat., Ars fit ubi a teneris crimen condiscitur annis.]
    Author:Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)

Some innocent child has to say: "Emperor has no clothes on after all!"

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