How To Join Sainik School In 2022 | Admission, Preparation, And More
Learn How To Join Sainik School and its process
Step by Step Process on How To Apply Sainik School Admission Exam For Class 9 & 6
List of Sainik Schools With Their Web Addresses and Exam Cities
How To Join Sainik School?
Suppose you think that your child should study in an excellent residential school with discipline, safety and be part of India’s best & respected professions. In that case, Sainik School is the best option.
Admission to Sainik School is a matter of pride and an excellent opportunity to serve the Indian Armed Forces as an officer after completing the XIIth standard.
The Sainik School curriculum will mold the students’ personality and develop leadership qualities to becomes an officer of three forces(Army/Navy/Air Force).
The first Defense Minister, Mr. VK Krishna Menon, originated Sainik School across India to impart constructive and valuable English medium education from the junior classes.
The organized studies, including officer-like qualities, enable the students to prepare for the National Defense Academy(NDA) & Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala(INA).
The 33 Sainik schools across India are managed by a society(Sainik School Society)under the defense ministry and curriculum based on CBSE (English).
The Sainik school follows a residential pattern of living & studying which is the same as the Indian Military school, Dehradun & Military Schools.
This article enlightens the procedure to get admission for either VI or IX classes in Sainik School and assists the parents and children to know about Sainik School a little more
How To Apply Sainik School Admission Exam For Class 9 & 6
1. Candidates can apply for AISSEE 2021 “Online” only on the website
2. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate.
3. Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and mobile number provided in the online application form are their own or that of their parents, as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on the given e-mail address or SMS on given mobile number only.
4. Instructions for filling Online Application Form:
Step 1:
Apply for Online Registration using unique Email ID and Mobile No.
Step 2:
- Fill in the Online Application
- Form and note down the system generated Application No.
Upload the following documents:
- Scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb – 200 kb) in JPG/JPEG format
- Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4kb – 30kb) in JPG/JPEG format.
- Candidate’s left-hand thumb impression. (file size 10 kb -50 kb) in JPG/JPEG format.
(In case of any eventuality of left thumb being unavailable, right hand thumb impression may be used)
- Date of Birth Certificate
- Domicile Certificate
- Caste/ Community/ Category Certificate
- Certificate of service (for Defence category-serving) and PPO for Ex-servicemen, as applicable. (The certificates as detailed above: Filesize (100 kb to 400 kb) in JPG or JPEG format)
Step 4:
Pay fee using SBI/ICICI Bank/Paytm Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid.
In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee, then the transaction is cancelled and amount will be refunded to the candidate‟s account.
However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated.
Step 5:
All the 4 steps can be done together in one go or at different times
Note: Visit – before submitting online application
Pattern of Examination for Class-VI & IX
The Sainik schools are originated to identify intelligent and promising students from Class V & VII through a national entrance examination.
The Ministry of Education has established the National Testing Agency(NTA), responsible for conducting a written examination under the All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination(AISSEE)
The AISSEE will conduct a written test once a year for admission in Class VI & IX. The details of admission procedures are as given below(All dates are tentative and prepared based on previous years experience):
Mode of Examination | Paper & Pen(OMR Based) |
Tentative Date of Examination | 10 January 2022 |
Paper pattern | Multiple Choice Questions |
Exam fee(Non-Refundable) | Rs 400/- for SC/ST Rs 550/- for others |
Submission of Online Application | From 20 October to 19 November 2021 |
Downloading Admit Card | 23 December 2021 |
Duration of examination | For VI – Two & Half hours IX – Three Hours |
- An applicant can submit only one application. All personal documents are required to be upload at the time of submission of the application.
- 67% of the seats for candidates domiciled in the state/UT where the Sainik school is located.
- 33% of the seats for another state candidate.
- Each category of Home state/UT and other states, the seats will be reserved on the following lines:
- 15% for Scheduled caste, 7.5 for Scheduled Tribe (ST), 27% for the category other backward classes.
- 25% seats reserved for the children of serving and retired defence personnel.
- However, the wards of Coast Guard/Assam Rifles not included this category of reservation
Age Criteria & Syllabus for Admission for VI Class
Apply | Boys & Girls can Apply |
Age | Between 10 and 12 years as of 31 March 2022 |
Medium of Exam | English or Regional language(Option for only one language) |
The language for examination for the forthcoming year | English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu. |
- Candidates opting for regional language will provide an exam booklet in the language they opted for in the application form.
- The candidate is free to choose the option of the medium of the question paper. However, the choice, once exercised, can not be changed
Sainik School Class 6 Syllabus
>> Marks-Wise Distribution
Mathematics | 50 Questions X 3 Marks = 150 Marks |
Intelligence | 25 Questions X 2 Mark= 50 Marks |
Language | 25 Questions X 2Marks = 50 Marks |
General Knowledge | 25 Questions x 2 Marks = 50 Marks |
Total | 125 Questions /300 Marks |
>> Topics Covered in Class IV
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | Natural Numbers | 14 | Conversion of Units |
2 | LCM and HCF | 15 | Roman Numerals |
3 | Unitary Method | 16 | Types of Angles |
4 | Fractions | 17 | Circle |
5 | Ratio and Proportion | 18 | Volume of Cube and Cuboids |
6 | Profit and Loss | 19 | Prime and Composite Numbers |
7 | Simplification | 20 | Plane Figures |
8 | Average | 21 | Decimal Numbers |
9 | Percentage | 22 | Speed and Time |
10 | Area and Perimeter | 23 | Operation on Numbers |
11 | Simple Interest | 24 | Complementary and Supplementary Angles |
12 | Lines and Angles | 25 | Arranging of Fractions |
13 | Temperature |
S. No | Topics |
1. | Questions on Intelligence will be based on analogies (mathematical & verbal), pattern (spatial and mathematical), classification, visual, logical, reasoning etc. |
Language (English)
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | Comprehension Passage | 14 | Sentence Formation |
2 | Preposition | 15 | Antonyms |
3 | Article | 16 | Synonyms |
4 | Vocabulary | 17 | Adjectives |
5 | Verbs and Type | 18 | Interjection |
6 | Confusing Words | 19 | Idiom and Phrases |
7 | Question Tags | 20 | Collective Nouns |
8 | Types of sentence | 21 | Number |
9 | Tense forms | 22 | Gender |
10 | Kinds of Nouns | 23 | Adverbs |
11 | Kinds of Pronouns | 24 | Rhyming Words |
12 | Correct Spelling | 25 | Singular/Plural |
13 | Ordering of words in sentence |
Language (Hindi)
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | .गदययांश | 13 | क्रियय विशषे ण की ऩहचयन |
2 | विशषे ण की ऩहचयन | 14 | िचन बदऱनय |
3 | सज्ञां य के भदे ों की ऩहचयन | 15 | अर् थ के आधयर ऩर ियक्य भेद |
4 | .महयिरेु | 16 | ियच्य ऩररिर्नथ |
5 | श्रतर्समभभन्नयर्कथु शब्द | 17 | सिनथ यम की ऩहचयन |
6 | अशदधधशोधनु (ियक्य) | 18 | कयऱ |
7 | विऱोम शब्द | 19 | भऱगां बदऱनय |
8 | ऩययथयियची शब्द | 20 | िण थ विचयर |
9 | सधांध | 21 | ियक्य विचयर |
10 | समयस | 22 | ऱोकोक्क्र्ययाँ |
11 | .क्रियय | 23 | िर्नथी शदधधु |
12 | उऩसगथ | 24 | प्रत्यय |
Language (Regional)
S No | Topics |
1. | Questions in the language (regional) section will be based on topics dealt till Class V |
General Knowledge
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | Different Types of Scientific Devices Used in Daily Life. | 15 | Concepts on Mountain Terrain and Lifestyle |
2 | Icons and Symbols of India: National Insignia, National Emblem, Sports, Animal etc. (Elementary awareness of such symbols) | 16 | Historical Monuments |
3 | Major Religions of India (Elementary awareness about founder, place of origin, religious books and important ideas) | 17 | Shape of Earth and Gravitation (Basic concepts) |
4 | Art and Culture (Music, Classical and Folk Dance); Renowned Personalities, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Major Dance Forms | 18 | Non-Renewable Energy Sources (Fossil Fuels) |
5 | Defence (Equivalent Ranks in three services, Weapons, Aircraft, Missiles &Warships (Elementary awareness) | 19 | Food, Culture, Habitat, Languages etc of various regions (Basic concepts) |
6 | Sports and Games (India & World). Renowned personalities, major competitions and trophies associated with various games | 20 | Names of young ones of different animals |
7 | Super Senses (How do plants and animals sense their surroundings) | 21 | Functions of Body Parts of Plants and Animals |
8 | Relationship between Animals and Human Beings | 22 | International Organizations: Basic knowledge about structure, functioning and objectives of United Nations, World Bank etc. |
9 | Taste and Digestion (Basic concepts) | 23 | Indian Literary and Cultural Personalities: Names and fields of achievements |
10 | Cooking and Preserving Techniques | 24 | Indian Literary and Cultural Awards. (Names of the awards and recent recipients) |
11 | Germination and Seed Dispersal | 25 | Natural Calamities (Flood and Earthquake) |
12 | Traditional Water Harvesting Techniques | 26 | Evaporation, Condensation and Water Cycle (Basic concepts) |
13 | Experiment with Water on Everyday Life | 27 | Life of Farmers (Farming techniques) |
14 | Water Pollution and Microbial Diseases | 28 | Tribal Communities and Forest Produce |
Prepare yourself with the best books for sainik school exam preparation for class 6:
1. Sainik School Class 6 Guide

2. Sainik School Class 6 Guide Hindi

Age Criteria & Syllabus for Admission for IX Class
Apply | Only Boys Can Apply |
Age | Between 13 and 15 years as of 31 March 2022 |
Language | Hindi or English |
Sainik School Class 9 Syllabus
>> Marks-Wise Distribution
Mathematics | 50 Questions X 4 Marks = 200 Marks |
Intelligence | 25 Questions X 2 Mark= 50 Marks |
English | 25 Questions X 2Marks = 50 Marks |
General Science | 25 Questions x 2 Marks = 50 Marks |
Social Science | 25 Questions X 2 Marks= 50 Marks |
Total | 150 Questions /400 Marks |
>> Topics Covered in Class IX
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | Rational Numbers | 16 | Average, Median, Mode |
2 | Linear Equations in One Variable | 17 | Probability |
3 | Understanding Quadrilaterals | 18 | Pie Chart |
4 | Data Handling (Bar Graph and Line Graph) | 19 | Direct & Inverse Proportions |
5 | Squares and Square Roots | 20 | Factorizations |
6 | Cubes and Cube Roots | 21 | Introduction to Graph |
7 | Comparing Quantities (Percentage, Profit and Loss) | 22 | Unitary Method |
8 | Algebraic Expressions and Identities | 23 | Divisibility Exam |
9 | Area and Perimeters | 24 | Triangles (Angle Sum Property) |
10 | Volumes and Surface Areas | 25 | Parallel Lines |
11 | Exponents and Powers | 26 | Simple Interest and Compound Interest |
12 | Playing with Numbers | 27 | Time and Work |
13 | Visualizing Solid Shapes | 28 | Area and Perimeter of Circles |
14 | Triangles ( Pythagoras Theorem) | 29 | Algebraic Expression (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) |
15 | Euler‟s Formula |
S. No | Topics |
1. | Questions on Intelligence will be based on analogies (mathematical & verbal), pattern (spatial and mathematical), classification, visual, logical, reasoning etc. |
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | Spotting Errors | 17 | Sentence Improvement |
2 | Comprehension Passage | 18 | Change of sentence as directed |
3 | Antonyms | 19 | Sentence Formation |
4 | Synonyms | 20 | Types of Sentences |
5 | Prepositions | 21 | Phrase and Clauses |
6 | Articles | 22 | Kinds of Noun |
7 | Types of Verbs | 23 | Adjectives |
8 | Tense Form | 24 | Interjection |
9 | Narration | 25 | Question Tags |
10 | Voices | 26 | Adverbs |
11 | Modals | 27 | Conjunctions |
12 | Confusing Words | 28 | Conditions |
13 | Subject- Verb Agreement | 29 | Comparison of Adjectives |
14 | Correct Spellings | 30 | Personal Pronoun |
15 | Order of words in a sentence | 31 | Change of Gender |
16 | Idioms and Phrases | 32 | Change of Number |
General Science
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | Fossil Fuel: Coal and Petroleum | 14 | Micro-Organisms |
2 | Combustion and Flame | 15 | Some Natural Phenomenon |
3 | Cell Structure and Function | 16 | How to find calorific value of fuel? |
4 | Reproduction in Plants and Animals | 17 | Electroplating and Artificial Jewellery |
5 | Force, Friction and Pressure | 18 | Relation between types of friction. |
6 | Sound and its basics | 19 | Cropping Seasons |
7 | Reflection and Dispersion of Light | 20 | Agricultural Practices |
8 | Metals and Non Metals | 21 | Conservation of Plants and Animals |
9 | Synthetic Fibres and Plastics | 22 | Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and Sanctuaries |
10 | Chemical Effects of Electric Current | 23 | Reaching the age of Adolescence |
11 | Stars and Solar Systems | 24 | Changes during Puberty |
12 | Pollution of Air and Water | 25 | Endocrine Glands and Hormones |
13 | Global Warming |
Social Science
S No | Topics | S No | Topics |
1 | Revolt of 1857 | 20 | Interior of Earth |
2 | Freedom Fighters | 21 | Climate Change |
3 | Important Freedom Movements | 22 | Earthquakes and Major Land Forms |
4 | Social and Caste Reforms | 23 | Types of Rainfall |
5 | Resources and sustainable development | 24 | Major Grasslands |
6 | Rock cycle of water cycle | 25 | Types of Forests |
7 | Pressure and Wind System | 26 | Means of Transport |
8 | Land Soil and Water Resources | 27 | Communication |
9 | Minerals and Power Resources | 28 | Life in deserts |
10 | Indian Constitution and Secularism | 29 | Panchayat System |
11 | Importance of Parliament | 30 | Local Self Government |
12 | Types of Agriculture | 31 | Law and Social Justice. |
13 | Types of Government and different tiers of Government | 32 | Judiciary and Criminal Justice System |
14 | Understanding Markets | 33 | Marginalisation |
15 | Elections | 34 | Public Facilities |
16 | Role of Government in Health | 35 | Natural Vegetation and Wildlife |
17 | Delhi Sultanate | 36 | Industries |
18 | Mughals | 37 | Human Resources |
19 | Bhakti and Sufi Movement | 38 | Changes in the Arts |
Passing marks for admission – 25% minimum marks in each subject and 40% marks in aggregate of all the topics of AISSEE 2022.
No minimum marks for SC/ST candidates.
Prepare yourself with the best books for sainik school exam preparation for class 9:
1. Sainik School Class 9 Guide

2. Sainik School Class 9 Entrance Exam Guide Book (AISSEE) With Latest Solved Papers

List of Sainik Schools With Their Web Addresses and Exam Cities
Sl. No. | State | Name of Sainik School | School Website | City | School code | City code |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | Sainik School, Korukonda | | GUNTUR | 12023 | 120201 |
HYDERABAD | 12023 | 120202 | ||||
KARIMNAGAR | 12023 | 120203 | ||||
RAJAMAHENDRAVA RAM | 12023 | 120204 | ||||
SRIKAKULAM | 12023 | 120205 | ||||
VIJAYAWADA | 12023 | 120206 | ||||
VISAKHAPATNAM | 12023 | 120207 | ||||
VIZIANAGARAM | 12023 | 120208 | ||||
2. | Andhra Pradesh | Sainik School, Kalikiri | | ANANTAPUR | 12013 | 120101 |
KALIKIRI | 12013 | 120102 | ||||
KURNOOL | 12013 | 120103 | ||||
NELLORE | 12013 | 120104 | ||||
PRAKASAM | 12013 | 120105 | ||||
TIRUPATHI | 12013 | 120106 | ||||
YSR DISTRICT | 12013 | 120107 | ||||
3. | Arunachal Pradesh | Sainik School, East Siang | | ITANAGAR | 13011 | 130101 |
PASIGHAT | 13011 | 130102 | ||||
TAWANG | 13011 | 130103 | ||||
4. | Assam | Sainik School, Goalpara | | DIBRUGAR | 14013 | 140101 |
EAST KHASI HILLS | 14013 | 140102 | ||||
EAST SIKKIM | 14013 | 140103 | ||||
GOALPARA | 14013 | 140104 | ||||
KAMRUP METROPOLITAN | 14013 | 140105 | ||||
SONITPUR | 14013 | 140106 | ||||
5. | Bihar | Sainik School, Nalanda | ml | BEGUSARAI | 15023 | 150201 |
BHAGALPUR | 15023 | 150202 | ||||
GAYA | 15023 | 150203 | ||||
NALANDA | 15023 | 150204 | ||||
PATNA | 15023 | 150205 | ||||
PURNEA | 15023 | 150206 | ||||
ROHTAS (SASARAM) | 15023 | 150207 | ||||
6. | Bihar | Sainik School, Gopalganj | | DARBHANGA | 15013 | 150101 |
EAST CHAMPARAN (MOTIHARI) | 15013 | 150102 | ||||
GOPALGANJ | 15013 | 150103 | ||||
MUZAFFARPUR | 15013 | 150104 | ||||
SARAN (CHAPRA) | 15013 | 150105 | ||||
SIWAN | 15013 | 150106 | ||||
VAISHALI (HAJIPUR) | 15013 | 150107 | ||||
7. | Chattisgarh | Sainik School, Ambikapur | ml | BASTAR | 17013 | 170101 |
BILASPUR | 17013 | 170102 | ||||
KANKER | 17013 | 170103 | ||||
RAIGARH | 17013 | 170104 | ||||
RAIPUR | 17013 | 170105 | ||||
SURGUJA | 17013 | 170106 | ||||
8. | Gujarat | Sainik School, Balachadi | | AHMEDABAD | 22013 | 220101 |
JAMNAGAR | 22013 | 220102 | ||||
SURAT | 22013 | 220103 |
Sl. No. | City | School code | City code | |||
9. | Haryana | Sainik School, Kunjpura | | AMBALA | 23013 | 230101 |
DELHI | 23013 | 230102 | ||||
KARNAL | 23013 | 230103 | ||||
ROHTAK | 23013 | 230104 | ||||
10. | Haryana | Sainik School, Rewari | | REWARI | 23023 | 230201 |
11. | Himachal Pradesh | Sainik School, SujanpurTira | | BILASPUR | 24013 | 240101 |
CHAMBA | 24013 | 240102 | ||||
DHARAMSHALA | 24013 | 240103 | ||||
MANDI | 24013 | 240104 | ||||
NAHAN | 24013 | 240105 | ||||
SHIMLA | 24013 | 240106 | ||||
SUJANPUR TIRA | 24013 | 240107 | ||||
UNA | 24013 | 240108 | ||||
12. | J & K | Sainik School, Nagrota | | JAMMU | 25013 | 250101 |
KATHUA | 25013 | 250102 | ||||
LEH | 25013 | 250103 | ||||
SRINAGAR | 25013 | 250104 | ||||
13. | Jharkhand | Sainik School, Tilaiya | | BOKARO | 26013 | 260101 |
CHAIBASA | 26013 | 260102 | ||||
DALTONGANJ | 26013 | 260103 | ||||
DEOGHAR | 26013 | 260104 | ||||
DHANBAD | 26013 | 260105 | ||||
DUMKA | 26013 | 260106 | ||||
GIRIDIH | 26013 | 260107 | ||||
GUMLA | 26013 | 260108 | ||||
City | School code | City code | ||||
Jharkhand | Sainik School, Tilaiya | | HAZARIBAG | 26013 | 260109 | |
JAMSHEDPUR | 26013 | 260110 | ||||
KODERMA | 26013 | 260111 | ||||
RANCHI | 26013 | 260112 | ||||
SAHIBGANJ | 26013 | 260113 | ||||
14. | Karnataka | Sainik School, Bijapur | | BELGAUM | 27013 | 270101 |
BELLARY | 27013 | 270102 | ||||
BIJAPUR | 27013 | 270103 | ||||
DHARWAD | 27013 | 270104 | ||||
GULBARGA | 27013 | 270105 | ||||
15. | Karnataka | Sainik School, Kodagu | | BANGALORE URBAN | 27023 | 270201 |
BYLAKUPPE | 27023 | 270202 | ||||
CHITRADURGA | 27023 | 270203 | ||||
DAKSHIN KANNADA | 27023 | 270204 | ||||
KODAGU | 27023 | 270205 | ||||
MYSORE | 27023 | 270206 | ||||
SHIMOGA | 27023 | 270207 | ||||
16. | Kerala | Sainik School, Kazhakootam | | ERNAKULAM | 28013 | 280101 |
KOTTAYAM | 28013 | 280102 | ||||
KOZHIKODE | 28013 | 280103 | ||||
PALAKKAD | 28013 | 280104 | ||||
THIRUVANANTHAPU RAM | 28013 | 280105 |
Sl. No | State | Name of Sainik School | School Website | City | School code | City code |
17. | Madhya Pradesh | Sainik School, Rewa | | BHOPAL | 30013 | 300101 |
GWALIOR | 30013 | 300102 | ||||
JABALPUR | 30013 | 300103 | ||||
REWA | 30013 | 300104 | ||||
18. | Maharashtra | Sainik School, Satara | | AHMEDNAGAR | 31023 | 310201 |
BEED | 31023 | 310202 | ||||
JALGAON | 31023 | 310203 | ||||
KOLHAPUR | 31023 | 310204 | ||||
LATUR | 31023 | 310205 | ||||
MAHAD | 31023 | 310206 | ||||
MUMBAI CITY | 31023 | 310207 | ||||
NASHIK | 31023 | 310208 | ||||
PUNE | 31023 | 310209 | ||||
SATARA | 31023 | 310210 | ||||
SOLAPUR | 31023 | 310211 | ||||
19. | Maharashtra | Sainik School, Chandrapur | | AMRAVATI | 31013 | 310101 |
AURANGABAD | 31013 | 310102 | ||||
CHANDRAPUR | 31013 | 310103 | ||||
NAGPUR | 31013 | 310104 | ||||
NANDED | 31013 | 310105 | ||||
20. | Manipur | Sainik School, Imphal | | IMPHAL EAST | 32013 | 320101 |
UKHRUL | 32013 | 320102 | ||||
WEST TRIPURA | 32013 | 320103 |
Sl. No. | State | Name of Sainik School | School Website | City | School code | City code |
21. | Mizoram | Sainik School, Chhingchhip | | AIZAWL | 34013 | 340101 |
CHHINGCHHIP | 34013 | 340102 | ||||
LUNGLEI | 34013 | 340103 | ||||
22. | Nagaland | Sainik School, Punglwa | | DIMAPUR | 35013 | 350101 |
KOHIMA | 35013 | 350102 | ||||
MON | 35013 | 350103 | ||||
PUNGLWA | 35013 | 350104 | ||||
TUENSANG | 35013 | 350105 | ||||
23. | Odisha | Sainik School, Bhubaneswar | | BALASORE | 36013 | 360101 |
BERHAMPUR | 36013 | 360102 | ||||
BHUBANESWAR | 36013 | 360103 | ||||
DHENKANAL | 36013 | 360104 | ||||
KORAPUT | 36013 | 360105 | ||||
ROURKELA | 36013 | 360106 | ||||
SAMBALPUR | 36013 | 360107 | ||||
24. | Odisha | Sainik School, Sambalpur | | BALASORE | 36021 | 360201 |
KALAHANDI | 36021 | 360202 | ||||
SAMBALPUR | 36021 | 360203 | ||||
25. | Punjab | Sainik School, Kapurthala | | AMRITSAR | 38013 | 380101 |
FARIDKOT | 38013 | 380102 | ||||
KAPURTHALA | 38013 | 380103 | ||||
LUDHIANA | 38013 | 380104 | ||||
PATIALA | 38013 | 380105 |
Sl. No. | State | Name of Sainik School | School Website | City | School code | City code |
26. | Rajasthan | Sainik School, Chittorgarh | | AJMER | 39013 | 390101 |
CHITTORGARH | 39013 | 390102 | ||||
JAIPUR | 39013 | 390103 | ||||
JODHPUR | 39013 | 390104 | ||||
KOTA | 39013 | 390105 | ||||
27. | Rajasthan | Sainik School, Jhunjhunu | | BIKANER | 39023 | 390201 |
JHUNJHUNU | 39023 | 390202 | ||||
SRI GANGANAGAR | 39023 | 390203 | ||||
28. | Tamil Nadu | Sainik School, Amaravathinagar | http://www.sainikschoolamaravathinagar.ed | AMARAVATHINAGAR | 41013 | 410101 |
CHENNAI | 41013 | 410102 | ||||
COIMBATORE | 41013 | 410103 | ||||
PONDICHERRY | 41013 | 410104 | ||||
THANJAVUR | 41013 | 410105 | ||||
UDUMALPET | 41013 | 410106 | ||||
29. | Uttar Pradesh | Sainik School, Mainpuri | | BAREILLY | 44021 | 440201 |
GORAKHPUR | 44021 | 440202 | ||||
LUCKNOW | 44021 | 440203 | ||||
MAINPURI | 44021 | 440204 | ||||
VARANASI | 44021 | 440205 | ||||
30. | Uttar Pradesh | Sainik School, Jhansi | | AGRA | 44011 | 440101 |
ALLAHABAD | 44011 | 440102 | ||||
JHANSI | 44011 | 440103 | ||||
KANPUR NAGAR | 44011 | 440104 |
Sl. No. | State | Name of Sainik School | School Website | City | School code | City code |
31. | Uttar Pradesh | Sainik School, Amethi | | AMETHI | 45011 | 450101 |
BAHRAICH | 45011 | 450102 | ||||
BALLIA | 45011 | 450103 | ||||
LUCKNOW | 45011 | 450104 | ||||
32. | Uttarakhand | Sainik School, Ghorakhal | | ALMORA | 45023 | 450201 |
DEHRADUN | 45023 | 450202 | ||||
GHORAKHAL | 45023 | 450203 | ||||
HALDWANI | 45023 | 450204 | ||||
KOTDWAR | 45023 | 450205 | ||||
PITHORAGARH | 45023 | 450206 | ||||
ROORKEE | 45023 | 450207 | ||||
RUDRAPUR | 45023 | 450208 | ||||
SRI NAGAR | 45023 | 450209 | ||||
33. | West Bengal | Sainik School, Purulia | | BARDHAMAN | 46013 | 460101 |
KOLKATA | 46013 | 460102 | ||||
PORT BLAIR | 46013 | 460103 | ||||
PURULIA | 46013 | 460104 | ||||
SILIGURI | 46013 | 460105 |

The Ministry of Education has established the National Testing Agency(NTA) for conducting written examinations for Cl-VI & Cl- IX under the All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination(AISSEE)
The above article gives you a step by step process to apply for admission for class 9 and class 6 students and syllabus to help you join the sainik school
A list of all the Sainik schools has been put to help you join the Sainik school according to your preference.
if we missed something or you have any further queries, feel free to comment below and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
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